

Soros involvement in dirty tricks spells trouble for Hungary

‘The Slog first posted about Viktor Orban’s outspoken Hungarian government in January 2012. Since then, Mr Orban has won a further General Election here by a very clear majority.This is called democracy. Hungary is an EU member that wisely decided to stay out of the eurozone.

Hungarian politics are complex, but the Sun headline is this: Orban and his right wing Party are actually nationalists opposed to three things – US neoliberalist colonisation, the euro, and Brussels throwing it’s weight about. Although the Opposition in Budapest positions itself as ‘socialist’, it actually consists largely of former Soviet apparatchiks who became reborn as neoliberal fanatics soon after the USSR collapsed. But they still like the idea of rule by faceless bureaucrats: and so naturally, the EU suits them perfectly. (Think Angela Merkel)

Now think of Hungary this way: Orban is rather like the Tory/UKip opposition to creeping dictatorial superstate, trying to keep the Dromey/Miliband/Balls axis of opportunism at bay. The only difference is that Orban has won two sweeping majorities in a row, and he isn’t up US globalism’s arse.’